Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer
Download Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer
Halo Combat Evolved Download full game
Download full game here
To fully working game download Patch in your game folder and install-it
Halo Combat Evolved NEW patch 1.0.10
Download Halo Combat Evolved patch here
About the game:
As a first-person shooter, the gameplay of Halo: Combat Evolved is fundamentally similar to that of its peers, focusing on combat in a 3D environment that is viewed almost entirely from a character’s eye view.
The player can move around and look up, down, left, or right.
Thе game features vehicles, ranging from armored jeeps and tanks to alien hovercraft and aircraft, many of which can be controlled by the player.
The game switches to a third-person perspective during vehicle use for pilots and mounted gun operators. Passengers maintain a first-person view.
The game’s heads-up display includes a «motion tracker» that registers moving allies, moving or firing enemies, and vehicles, in a certain radius of the player…