Left4Dead 2 multiplayer + SP [ free download ] patch

Left4Dead 2 multiplayer + SP

Left4Dead 2 multiplayer

Left 4 Dead 2 repack v_2.1.4.6

Download full game here ->> Download  Left For Dead 2 Repack

To fully working game download Patch in your «Left 4 Dead 2» folder and install-it

Left 4 Dead 2 update patch 
Download patch here: http://fs.gala100.net/39l
1: Not see button «Server Browser» — type in console «openserverbrowser» ,on Custom «tab» you will find servers to play
2: Error «Please remove plug-ins before attempting to connect VAC secured server» — play game from desktop shortcut or from play-l4d2.exe
3: You have strange beep noise (on radio speech) — type in console snd_rebuildaudiocache ,hit enter ,wait until is done ,restart game .
4: How to change your Player Name : In your Left4Dead 2 folder is a file called rev.ini — open it — is a Line PlayerName=Player-nosTEAM — after PlayerName= write your player name — save file — play game with your name.

How to play on LAN with your friends:

1. Bring up the console by typing ~ (tilde key-to the left of 1) and execute these commands :
2. sv_lan 1
3. sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
4. net_start
5. Type «map» and hit space.
You will be able to see a list of maps bellow.
Maps with VS are versus maps.
Now you have a LAN server.

How to play this game with your friends INTERNET SERVER:
In your «Left4Dead 2» game folder is a file called «play-with-friends» ,open it — your server is starting automatically .Now give your IP to your friend http://q.gs/3718266/whatismyipaddress.com/ .Your friends must open game ,write in console connect YOURIP .
For example your IP is ,your friends must type in console connect
Have fun.
Set «left4dead2.exe» from game folder to run always as Administrator
Don’t forget to port forward 27015 if you use a router .

Download  Left For Dead 2 Repack

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